Sunday, March 17, 2013

What I'm Into

This is one of my favorite features over on a couple of blogs, so I thought I'd give it a try. I'm a little late for a strictly February post, so it's "What I'm Into" mid-March edition.

What I Read

Some interesting reading this past month. I feel like I need to schedule a few hours to process all of it, go through my highlights and notes, let it sink in. We'll see if that ever happens. I do wish I had more time. My "to read" list is getting pretty long.

Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays vs. Christian Debate by Justin Lee- I really cannot recommend this book highly enough. I'll echo what Sarah Bessey said and agree that it is a gift to the church. It is thought-provoking, challenging, insightful. And Justin tells his story with such candor and vulnerability. It's worth reading. I promise.

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brene Brown- I first heard of Brene Brown through this TED talk. I listened to it over and over again at the time. I loved this book. Loved it. I think about many of the principles daily.

Introverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture by Adam McHugh- I read a review of this book a couple years ago and have been wanting to read it ever since, but finally picked it up this month. It was a refreshing read. I go to a wonderful church, led by a pastor who happens to be an introvert himself, but even with that, it's easy to feel out of place, out of the loop because I'm not quite outgoing enough. I found some camaraderie here, and lots of advice for cultivating community without sacrificing my own temperament.

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain- I guess I was on an introvert kick this month. This one covers different ground than McHugh's book. Extensively researched, Cain discusses everything from Wall Street to infant temperament, Asian culture vs. American culture, leadership, schooling, parenting, and more. I've read mixed reviews, but I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I feel liberated in a million different ways.

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald- This was a reread. Wonderful as always. And that final paragraph. Seriously, it's perfect. I reread the book because the movie releases soon (!!!), and I'm weird and like my books as fresh as possible when I watch the movie renditions. It's why I haven't seen Anna Karenina yet. I'm trying to squeeze in a reread of the novel sometime, but it hasn't happened yet.

Persuasion by Jane Austen. I can't believe I've never read this little Austen novel. A serious delight, from beginning to end and now one of my favorites. Of all of Austen's heroines, I understand Anne Elliot the best. I think we are kindred spirits.

On my Kindle (or nightstand) Right Now:

A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband "Master" by Rachel Held Evans

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas D. Kristof & Sheryl WuDunn

Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter by Various Authors

In My Ears

My sister (who has great taste in music. Anything good I listen to, it's probably from her) introduced me to the Quiet Hounds and I listen to this song way too much, especially in the car with the windows down and the volume too loud.

This song by Matt Gilman from IHOP is one of my favorites right now. I can't help but weep every time I hear it.

Other favorites on my Spotify playlists are Noah and the Whale (especially this song), Sea Wolf, and All Sons and Daughters. And the new Endless Years album by United Pursuit Band is incredible.

Have you heard this song by Lady Danville? It's a good one (and not only because they are UCLA alum). These lyrics:
  "everything I've done, just to be away from the shore
   just to turn back now, I'm turning back now."
That just about sums up my life.

On my Television

Well, the third season of Downton Abbey ended and I haven't really watched anything since. Slowly catching up on Grey's Anatomy when I get some free time. And I'm really excited to start Call the Midwife one of these days.

As far as movies--yeah, none. The only Oscar film I saw was Les Miserables. Sad, I know. But time is scarce, and movies are usually the first to go.

What I'm Looking Forward To

Spending a week in New York City with my sister. Lots of museums and walking, delicious food, and cool, crisp air. I'd love to see a show or two, but not going to happen with a toddler. Maybe next time. This will be Diana's second time in New York. She was 6 months the first time, and it was a surprisingly easy trip. I do remember that New York City bathrooms are not very diaper changing friendly. My sister and I changed her on the lid of a few toilets in dimly lit restrooms. (who decided dark restrooms are ever a good idea?? I'm not exactly going for sexy ambiance while I pee.) It didn't go well and we ended up with poop on our hands. Hoping to avoid that this time around.

Speaking of diapers, I'm also looking forward to being diaper-free. We're almost there!

New (to me) Blogs I'm Digging

Rachel Held Evans- I've read her blog on and off over the past year or so, but am a more regular reader now. She is not afraid to tackle the difficult topics, to live in the tension. I am a woman of many questions, and so is she, and while I don't always agree, this is quickly becoming one of my favorite places on the internet. And this post is just incredible.

The Beautiful Due- I discovered this blog recently. Just head over and read some of John's poetry. It will breathe life into you.

Ladys and Gents- Because I like cute kids. No other reason. Makes any bad day a little bit better.

Favorite Post

Dear Mom on the iPhone, I Get It- This rocked.

What are YOU into, my friends?


  1. Oh... that article was so good! I hadn't read anything from that angle before & definitely have felt that guilt trip of I'm working on my phone & not focusing 100% of my attention on my child ALWAYS. Refreshing. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes, it was so refreshing! I feel guilty sometimes too! And not that it's okay to be on our phones all the time, but a few minutes to catch our breath, or get something done, is nothing to feel guilty about.

  2. I'm so glad you shared the "Dear mom" blog post. The original facebook "letter" made me FURIOUS haha :)

    1. I never read the original. I probably shouldn't look it up or it will make me upset too! Like moms need even more guilt. I think we pile enough on ourselves already

  3. Oh my gosh, I just read "Dear Mom on the iPhone, I Get It".... I LOVED it! Thanks for sharing that blog post...and all the other cool stuff you're into. :)

  4. Hey, I am curious about your thoughts on "Year of Biblical Womanhood"? I've read a few reviews and would love to know what you think.


    1. I'll definitely try and share some thoughts when I finish it It's interesting, the project she undertakes as well as what it even says about the word "biblical." It's raising a lot of questions for me, about interpretation, biblical exegesis, and womanhood, of course. I'm almost done, just haven't had as much reading time this week. Have you read it? I'd love to hear your thoughts as well.

  5. oh geez! i wish i had that much time to read!!! what a beautiful gift!

    1. It really is!! I take a vanpool to work, so on the days I don't have to drive, I can read in the car. And I have an hour lunch break!! It is such a gift.


I would love to hear your thoughts.